Financial and economic expert Louis Habibacca stated that "stability in the dollar exchange rate will not occur before the New Year with the election of a new president and the formation of the anticipated government," anticipating a positive surprise in the event of a government formation. He pointed out, in an interview with "Voice of Lebanon," the "ambiguity surrounding the government's perspective on depositor funds and the recovery plan," warning against "destroying the banking sector if the crisis continues to be handled in this manner instead of rebuilding trust in banks, as no one will deposit even one dollar in Lebanese banks." Habibacca emphasized that it is the duty of the state, the public sector, banks, and their owners to distribute the losses among themselves because the depositor is not at fault. He noted that "the solution to the multiple exchange rates is to adopt the Sayrafa platform, which reflects market movement, in order to eliminate other rates, whether the official rate of 1500 or black market rates."