
Hamiyeh: We Will Spare No Efforts to Improve Teachers' Salaries

Hamiyeh: We Will Spare No Efforts to Improve Teachers' Salaries

Ali Hamiyeh, the Minister of Public Works and Transport in the caretaker government, received a delegation from the official secondary, primary, and vocational education associations in his office at the ministry. The delegation presented the reality of teachers and the main demands within the official education sector in light of the exacerbating crises the country is experiencing on financial, economic, and social levels.

Hamiyeh stressed to the delegation, as a member of the ministerial committee tasked with following up on improving salaries for public sector workers, that he "will spare no effort in addressing the demands conveyed to him by the delegation, particularly regarding the payment of social assistance for teachers, as well as transportation allowances, healthcare issues, and salary improvements."

He further stated, "Given the financial reality that the public treasury is suffering from, the issue of increases must be linked to the collection of financial revenues for the state treasury through the return of public administrations to work, as this is the pathway to revenue collection."

He suggested to the delegation that "the financial demands be phased in accordance with the state's financial revenues, which must be worked to increase through activating public facilities and improving their services. This is what we have done in the Ministry of Public Works and Transport by passing four laws in the last session of the parliament, which approximate revenues of 10,000 billion L.L., through which we can cover the budget deficit."

The delegation expressed its gratitude for "the frankness it sensed from the minister," praising his efforts to support the state's financial treasury, and confirming that as educators' associations, they are ready to cooperate to achieve their demands before the upcoming academic year.

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