
Warning of Bankruptcy After Gasoline Price Approaches 700,000

Warning of Bankruptcy After Gasoline Price Approaches 700,000

Fuel distributors held a meeting to discuss the latest developments regarding the skyrocketing fuel prices. Following the meeting, representative of fuel distributors Fadi Abu Shqra read a statement on behalf of the attendees expressing their concern over the outrageous increase in fuel prices due to a significant rise in global oil prices and the increasing dollar rate on the "Sayrafa" platform and in the black market.

He stated, "After reaching the price of 700,000 for a canister of gasoline, citizens can no longer bear the burden of this increase, and distributors are incurring substantial losses while continuing to supply fuel to citizens." He indicated that "a number of gas station owners can no longer sustain their businesses or secure fuel prices in advance," pointing out that "the long-standing policy towards gas station owners has led to their bankruptcy."

Abu Shqra mentioned that distributors have requested an urgent meeting with Energy Minister Walid Fayad to discuss the conditions of the sector amid the struggles faced by both distributors and gas station owners who are heading toward bankruptcy. He called for "a fixed schedule for pricing as they are incurring significant losses due to fluctuating prices."

While wishing, on behalf of the distributors, for a government to be formed as soon as possible, he expressed hope for "reducing taxes and fees amid the harsh and difficult circumstances that Lebanon and the Lebanese people, particularly the fuel sector, are experiencing." He announced "the distributors' support for the rightful demands of the unions of the land transport sector."

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