
Title: Smiles and Tears: Dunya and Emy Samir Ghanem at the Joy Awards in Riyadh

Title: Smiles and Tears: Dunya and Emy Samir Ghanem at the Joy Awards in Riyadh

The spotlight was on the sister artists Dunya and Emy Samir Ghanem at the Joy Awards ceremony held at the Badr Al Shadi Theater in Boulevard Riyadh on Thursday. This second edition of the awards, organized by the General Entertainment Authority, honored artists in various fields such as film, drama, music, and sports. Emy attended to receive an award in honor of her late parents.

Emy Samir Ghanem was particularly in the spotlight as it was her first public appearance since the passing of her father, the prominent artist Samir Ghanem, and her mother, the actress Dalal Abdulaziz. She was accompanied by her husband Hassan Al-Raddad, her sister Dunya Samir Ghanem, and Dunya's husband Rami Radwan. Both Emy and Dunya exhibited happiness before the event began due to the tribute to their late parents, capturing the attention of the audience with their smiles.

However, Emy and Dunya's smiles quickly turned into tears as soon as a video showcasing their late parents, Samir Ghanem and Dalal Abdulaziz, was played. Upon taking the stage, the sisters could not hold back their tears and expressed their gratitude to the event organizers.

The Joy Awards are presented by the General Entertainment Authority in Saudi Arabia under the “Riyadh Season” initiative, featuring a gathering of stars from the Arab and international arts, cinema, drama, and sports fields, along with key figures from the entertainment industry and a selection of media professionals and influencers.

In an interview with journalist Ali Al-Kashouti on Seventh Day TV, Dunya Samir Ghanem shared that she still struggles to overcome the sadness from the loss of her parents, stating, "I can't move past my grief, but I have commitments and couldn’t miss attending the tribute to my parents at the Joy Awards."

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