
Good Sleep... Does It Reduce the Risk of Fatty Liver Disease?

Good Sleep... Does It Reduce the Risk of Fatty Liver Disease?

Chinese scientists discovered that improving sleep patterns reduces the risk of developing fatty liver disease and its complications by 29 percent. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism indicates that researchers found that poor sleep increases the likelihood of developing fatty liver disease, which is the most common liver disease. This disease is characterized by fat accumulation in liver cells, ultimately leading to liver fibrosis and later liver cancer.

Researchers monitored the health conditions of 5,011 Chinese citizens aged between 30 and 79 living in Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, and Hainan provinces. The study focused on changes in liver condition, diet, poor habits, and levels of physical activity. The results showed that the likelihood of developing fatty liver disease is related not only to the level of physical activity and the general health status of the study participants but also to sleep patterns. It was revealed that participants from southern China who had good sleep quality were 29 percent less likely to develop fatty liver disease compared to others.

Researchers noted this especially among participants with sedentary lifestyles, where the percentage dropped to 36 percent with moderate improvements in sleep patterns. Based on these findings, researchers plan to investigate why poor sleep increases the risk of fatty liver disease.

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