
Funeral of Martyr Corporal Zain Al-Abidin Shams

Funeral of Martyr Corporal Zain Al-Abidin Shams

The army leadership and the people of the town of Budai – Baalbek held the funeral for martyr Corporal Zain Al-Abidin Shams, who was killed on June 3, 2022, after being shot while on a raid mission in the Sharawneh area – Baalbek. The funeral began with a tribute ceremony for the martyr in front of the Abdullah Hospital – Riyaq, where a group of military police and army band paid the necessary honors, and he was awarded war and wounded medals as well as the bronze military honor. A prayer was then held for his pure body in his hometown, attended by a large gathering of citizens and comrades in arms.

Brigadier General Mahboub Aoun, representing Minister of National Defense Maurice Slim and Army Commander General Joseph Aoun, delivered a speech in which he praised the martyr's virtues and dedication to his military duty. Among his remarks were: "In the presence of the martyrdom of Zain Al-Abidin, which has no rank above it, we feel the weight of the responsibility to preserve this honorable legacy, and we pledge to our dear martyr that we will continue the path, determined to pursue the criminals and those who disrupt security wherever they may be. The hand of justice will surely reach them sooner or later."

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