
Controlling Hunger Hormone

Controlling Hunger Hormone

The Federal Center for Nutrition stated that weight gain can be countered by managing the hunger hormone known as "ghrelin." The center explained that the hunger hormone "ghrelin" is a metabolic hormone produced in the stomach lining and pancreas; it stimulates appetite and slows down metabolism and fat burning.

Ghrelin is released abundantly when exposed to psychological stress, lack of sleep, or prolonged periods without eating, and it increases cravings for fast food and sweets while delaying the natural feeling of fullness.

Exercise and Healthy Eating

Ghrelin can be controlled by regularly consuming healthy food, which helps maintain the balance of hunger hormones and blood sugar levels, reducing intense hunger pangs.

To this end, one should consume main meals rich in proteins and dietary fibers, along with healthy snacks like nuts and low-fat dairy products such as yogurt. It is also advisable to avoid strict diets, as they can disrupt metabolic processes, leading to increased ghrelin secretion.

Additionally, it is important to continue exercising and engaging in physical activities, as these combat psychological stress, which is one of the main factors contributing to ghrelin secretion. This also applies to ensuring adequate sleep, which should be at least 6 hours at night.

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