Arab World

Title: Bin Zayed Changes Name of One of the Ministries in the UAE

Title: Bin Zayed Changes Name of One of the Ministries in the UAE

The UAE President, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, issued a federal law decree to change the name of the "Ministry of Presidential Affairs" to "Presidential Court." According to the UAE News Agency (WAM), the decree stipulates "amending some provisions of Federal Decree Law No. / 4 / of 2004 regarding the establishment and organization of the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, replacing the phrase 'Presidential Affairs' with the phrase 'Presidential Court' wherever it appears, while the responsibilities, duties, and roles as stated in the mentioned federal decree law remain unchanged." The amendment indicated that the phrase "Minister of Presidential Affairs" would be replaced by "Minister of the Presidential Court," and the word "Ministry" would be replaced with "Court."

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