In Saudi Arabia: Fish Appear in Rainwater Floods

Social media platforms circulated a video showing fish surfacing in the rainwater that fell last Tuesday evening in the northern part of Taif, known as "Al-Sail Al-Kabir," in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Taif Municipality revealed that a number of its specialists visited one of the sites. They explained to "Sabq" that specialists from the municipality inspected the mentioned site and surrounding areas, and the site is under continuous observation by the Al-Sail Al-Kabir municipality. The municipality coordinated with the relevant authorities to monitor the situation after the floods caused one of the dams in Al-Sail Al-Kabir to overflow.

The municipality confirmed that health inspections of shops and restaurants have been intensified, checking displayed items to ensure their safety and subjecting them to continuous monitoring. The Taif Municipality urged citizens and residents to report any violations of health and municipal regulations. It also thanked everyone for their cooperation and continuous communication with the aim of providing a healthy and safe environment.

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