
A 14-Year-Old as an Advisor to the Minister

A 14-Year-Old as an Advisor to the Minister

The Minister of Culture in the caretaker government, Mohammad Wessam Al-Mortada, appointed 14-year-old student Joey Pierre Haddad as his assistant advisor for matters concerning the improvement of youth relations with the Arabic language and strengthening it, as well as focusing on cultural activities organized by schools and following them up, in addition to other tasks assigned to him by the minister.

It is noteworthy that student Joey Haddad comes from the family of the "Holy Hearts" School in Ain Najm and is the top of his class in the preparatory grade. He is distinguished by a strong personality and remarkable social presence, and he recently won first place in Arabic poetry recitation.

The minister met with Haddad in his office at the Palais des Arts, in the presence of his father, Pierre Haddad. They discussed several cultural and public matters, where Minister Al-Mortada noted the depth of awareness and the broad knowledge and insight of student Haddad, especially concerning issues.

Al-Mortada decided to appoint Haddad as his assistant advisor for youth affairs to enhance their relationship with the Arabic language, build a bridge of communication and understanding among them, and raise social awareness about its importance.

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