
What Fate Awaits Kidney Dialysis Patients?

What Fate Awaits Kidney Dialysis Patients?

A statement was issued by the Syndicate of Hospitals in Lebanon, noting that "hospitals with a dialysis center held an emergency meeting at the Syndicate of Hospitals to discuss lifting support for some medications and supplies used by patients during dialysis sessions and the ways to cover the increased costs resulting from this matter. Following the decision to lift support, some hospitals began asking patients to secure medications at their own expense. As a result of the meeting, the following agreements were made:

Firstly: To thank His Excellency Minister of Health Dr. Firas Al-Abiad, who is striving to solve the problems resulting from this situation to avoid imposing any additional costs on dialysis patients, whether they are covered by the ministry or by other official guarantors.

Secondly: To await the results of the meeting that will be held next Monday at the invitation of the Minister of Health, with the participation of all concerned parties, hoping it will issue measures that will ensure:

1. Coverage of the cost increase for dialysis sessions due to the lifting of support and the recent rise in the dollar exchange rate, which has reached 30,000 Lebanese Lira.

2. Monthly payment of dialysis bills, as hospitals are required to pay for medications and supplies to importers in cash upon receipt.

3. Settlement of previous bills through a swift mechanism.

4. Liquidation of dues owed to hospitals in banks so they can withdraw funds to pay importers in cash, ensuring continuity in obtaining necessary medications and supplies for treating patients.

It is hoped that these recommendations will be implemented starting from 1/7/2022, as hospitals have begun paying bills at non-subsidized prices, safeguarding patients' rights to receive treatment without incurring any additional costs out of their own pockets.

Thirdly: To inform patients of this reality to prevent any confusion or misunderstanding."

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