Arab World

Breaking News: Death of Child Rayan and King Mohammed VI Condoles His Family

Breaking News: Death of Child Rayan and King Mohammed VI Condoles His Family

"In light of the tragic incident that led to the death of child Rayan Auram, His Majesty King Mohammed VI conducted a telephone call with Mr. Khalid Auram and Mrs. Waseema Khrechish, the parents of the deceased, who passed away after falling into a well. On this sorrowful occasion, the King expressed his deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to all family members of the deceased in this painful loss, which is beyond God's decree, praying that God Almighty grants him His vast mercy, and grants him a place in His spacious paradise, and may He inspire his family with beautiful patience and good solace in the loss of their beloved child. The Moroccan King confirmed that he was closely following the developments of this tragic incident, where he issued directives to all relevant authorities to take the necessary measures and make utmost efforts to save the life of the deceased, but God's will had it that he should return to his Lord content and pleasing. The Moroccan King also expressed his appreciation for the tireless efforts exerted by various authorities and public forces, and for the strong solidarity and widespread sympathy that the family of the deceased received from different segments and families of Morocco during this painful time. In conclusion, His Majesty assured the family of the deceased of his continued care and support."

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