
Don't Ignore It: 6 Essential Health Tips When Eating Suhoor

Don't Ignore It: 6 Essential Health Tips When Eating Suhoor

Many people overlook the suhoor meal during Ramadan, but the truth is that suhoor is an important meal that significantly contributes to providing the body with many nutrients needed for fasting the next day. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the best and most important dietary tips that greatly help in maintaining the overall health of the fasting person during the holy month of Ramadan. In this context, the website "WEBMED" presented the most prominent and important nutritional tips for those who are fasting during suhoor, including:

1. Increase the intake of fiber-rich foods, such as oranges, lettuce, and cucumber.

2. Consuming protein is a crucial dietary trick during suhoor, so you can eat eggs, fava beans, or yogurt, as these foods reduce the feeling of thirst during fasting hours.

3. You can eat boiled pasta or boiled potatoes at suhoor, as they are foods that help maintain the body’s energy during the next day’s fasting hours.

4. Increasing the consumption of high-salt foods, such as pickles, can lead to feeling thirsty while fasting the next day; therefore, you should avoid them, especially during suhoor.

5. Avoid sleeping immediately after having suhoor, as this can lead to several health issues, including weight gain and stomach disorders, so try to eat suhoor early enough before sleeping.

6. Minimize the intake of caffeinated beverages as much as possible because they can lead to stress, fatigue, and increase your feeling of thirst while fasting the next day.

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