
New Symptom Indicates Infection with Omicron

New Symptom Indicates Infection with Omicron

Scientists have discovered a new symptom that may indicate an early infection with the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, which appears on the skin. According to the "Daily Star," numerous individuals infected in the UK have reported skin rashes through an app that tracks symptoms of Omicron.

The ZOE Covid app asks hundreds of thousands of users to report their symptoms of the virus, and skin rashes have been identified and classified as a "key" indicator of Omicron infection. The first type of rash, which is the most common, resembles hives and appears as raised bumps, often accompanied by severe itching. It is believed that the rash initially appears on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet.

The second type of rash is referred to as "spotted" and appears throughout the body, more commonly on the elbows, knees, and the backs of the hands and feet.

According to the analytical study using the ZOE app, five other symptoms associated with Omicron infection have been observed: a runny nose, headache, mild or severe fatigue, sneezing, and sore throat. This is in contrast to symptoms associated with previous coronavirus variants, such as cough, fever, and loss of taste and smell.

With rising cases of the Omicron variant, Professor Tim Spector, who oversees the analytical study via the ZOE app, warned that the Omicron numbers present a "concerning picture." He noted that the newly recorded cases showing symptoms in the last week represent the largest jump in reported cases since the study began through the ZOE Covid app.

He added, "While the figures portray a concerning picture, the good news, based on our preliminary data from about 2,500 potential reported cases through the ZOE app, confirms that the symptoms of Omicron infection are less severe than those of Delta."

Professor Spector urged people to avoid public gatherings and ensure that those they interact with are not suffering from colds, in addition to being mindful of vaccination. He stated, "We need to urgently change the messages directed at the public to save lives because half of those with cold-like symptoms are infected with the coronavirus."

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