
The Season is Threatened.. And Why?

The Season is Threatened.. And Why?

The Syndicate of Importers and Exporters of Vegetables and Fruits in Lebanon announced in a statement its "solidarity with public sector employees and its readiness to assist if requested." However, the situation for farmers and exporters is very critical at this time of year, as the seasons are in their peak and the harvest season is at its height. Therefore, farmers find themselves compelled to harvest their crops and sell them, and consequently, exporters need to market them. The strike of employees at the Ministry of Agriculture is jeopardizing the season and affecting the livelihoods of farmers, exporters, and all those working during the harvest period. This is especially concerning as the fruits of this period, such as apricots, cherries, peaches, and citrus, are delicate and cannot tolerate any delays, either in harvesting or exporting. Thus, we urge all officials to work swiftly to resolve this issue to avoid a major crisis and save the seasons, along with the Lebanese farmer and exporter, which are vital to the productive economy.

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