
"Electrifying" Meeting for Baalbek-Hermel MPs

The MPs of Baalbek-Hermel held a meeting at the home of MP Dr. Ghassan Skaf, including MPs Qabalan Qabalan, Wael Abu Faour, Hassan Murad, Yassin Yassin, and Charbel Maroun. The attendees agreed on the necessity to enhance the hydroelectric power generation capacity of the Litani Authority to prioritize the towns located in the Baalbek-Hermel districts for better benefit. They confirmed that they have developed a vision for providing the maximum possible and swift electricity supply for the entire region, which has been agreed upon with the relevant authorities in the Litani Authority and Electricité du Liban, to alleviate the suffering of citizens, especially given the urgent need for electricity for public facilities and water wells.

They reiterated their call to Electricité du Liban and the Litani Authority to implement these solutions and complete the proposed technical solutions as follows:

- Ensure the supply to the Jb Jennin station from the Abd al-Aal station at a voltage of 66 kV with a capacity between 5 and 8 Megawatts, depending on the produced energy and available water quantities.

- Work to ensure the fair distribution of this capacity from the exits of the Jb Jennin station to the Baalbek-Hermel areas, securing around two hours of daily supply.

- Provide electricity supply to public service lines (water wells, hospitals, public institutions) from the Jb Jennin station.

- Guarantee additional supply for the Jb Jennin station from thermal plants when available, ensuring two hours of daily supply.

- Replace the Sahrour transformer from 10 to 20 MVA at the Abd al-Aal station.

- Suppress violations in the villages linked to the Abd al-Aal station, especially from the camps of displaced Syrians in Sahrour, Machghara, Qaroun (2 camps), and Jb Jennin (7 camps), and all camps in the Baalbek-Hermel, particularly in the towns connected to the Abd al-Aal and Jb Jennin stations.

The attendees agreed to follow up on the matter with the concerned authorities in open meetings.

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