Washington Plans New Sanctions on Tehran

The U.S. Treasury Department announced that the United States will impose a series of sanctions on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and several Iranian companies for their involvement in supplying Russia with combat drones to be used in the war against Ukraine.

The department clarified in a statement that the sanctions will primarily target the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which is listed on the U.S. list of "terrorist organizations" and is already subject to a series of sanctions imposed by Washington due to its role in the Iranian nuclear program.

Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson emphasized that the United States intends to strictly enforce all sanctions imposed on both Russia and Iran and hold accountable anyone who chooses, like Iran, to support Russia in its aggressive war against Ukraine.

In addition to the Revolutionary Guard, the U.S. sanctions will also target several companies involved in the research, development, and production of Iranian drones, as well as the Iranian company responsible for transporting these drones to Russia.

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