
The Army to Deploy Across Lebanon to Ensure Elections

The Army to Deploy Across Lebanon to Ensure Elections

Defense Minister Maurice Sleem confirmed that "the army will be deployed across all Lebanese territories outside polling stations starting tomorrow to support the Internal Security Forces in ensuring the smooth conduct of the parliamentary elections on Sunday, with a focus on maintaining security and intervening in any incident that may affect the integrity of the voting process. This will be carried out according to the mechanisms established in coordination with other agencies, as the army oversees the work of its units through a central operations room at army headquarters and subsidiary operations rooms in each of the five military regional commands. The army's operations rooms will include representatives from the General Directorates of Internal Security Forces, State Security, and General Security, who will send officers to these operations rooms."

Minister Sleem explained that "based on the directives of President Michel Aoun, the Lebanese army is fully prepared to maintain the security of the elections across all Lebanese territories and is keen to prevent any acts of unrest while ensuring the safety and freedom of citizens in exercising their constitutional right in this critically important democratic process at the national level."

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