Princess Rima bint Talal posted a new photo of Prince Alwaleed bin Khalid bin Talal, known as the "Sleeping Prince," on her personal account on the "X" platform. This comes after he has been in a coma since 2005. His mother shared a photo of him on his hospital bed alongside a picture of him as a child, marking the 20th anniversary of the tragic accident he suffered.
Princess Rima commented on the photo, saying, "Twenty years have passed since you have been in the hospital. Your beautiful spirit and pure heart have not left our hearts for a moment. I entrusted you, my beloved Alwaleed bin Khalid, to God who does not lose what is entrusted to Him." The post was viewed by more than two million people in less than 24 hours and received significant interaction.
Prince Alwaleed bin Khalid bin Talal was involved in an accident in 2005 in London while driving his car at high speed. He lost consciousness completely and has been in a full coma ever since. He has been referred to as the "Sleeping Prince," but the medical devices continue to function, which is the only hope for his father. Medical reports at the time of the accident confirmed that the prince had suffered brain death, and it was announced that he had passed away as soon as the devices were removed. However, his father, Prince Khalid bin Talal, continues to hold onto the slightest hope that his son will recover and return to life. He commented on this matter saying, "If God had wanted to take him at the time of the accident, he would be in his grave now. The One who has preserved his soul all these years is capable of healing and restoring him."
Prince Khalid bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud is the third son of Prince Talal, the brother of the Saudi king, and he is also the brother of the famous businessman Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.