UAE Confident in Completing F-35 Deal

The UAE ambassador to the United States, Yousef Al Otaiba, confirmed that the new U.S. President Joe Biden's review of pending arms sales to U.S. allies is nearing completion.

During an online forum organized by the Washington Institute, Al Otaiba stated that Biden's review is "routine," adding that he is confident in the completion of the sale of American F-35 aircraft to the UAE following Biden's review. According to Reuters, Al Otaiba said, "We have done everything as it should, and they will discover that as soon as the review is completed, and the deal will take place."

Al Otaiba noted, "Everything is still proceeding as usual during the review. I am confident that it will end in the right place," adding, "If you are going to have a reduced presence and engagement in the Middle East, you cannot at the same time deprive your partners, from whom you expect more, of the tools."

The UAE finalized the aircraft deal on the last days of former President Donald Trump, valued at $23 billion, which includes 50 F-35 aircraft, 18 drones, and other weapons. The Biden administration decided to halt arms sales pending a review by President Joe Biden, who took office on January 20.

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