
Mohammad Al-Husseini, a New Martyr of the Lebanese Army

Mohammad Al-Husseini, a New Martyr of the Lebanese Army

The Army Command - Directorate of Orientation mourned the martyr Sergeant Mohammad Al-Husseini, who was martyred on 13/8/2022 after being shot during clashes with smugglers at the northern border. Below is a brief overview of the martyr's life:

- Born on 1/12/1983 in Ghbeiri.

- Enlisted in the army on 21/8/2006.

- Recipient of the Army Commander’s commendation and congratulations several times.

- Marital status: Married with 2 children.

- The body will be transferred on 14/8/2022 at 14:00 from the Central Military Hospital to the Martyrs' Garden Cemetery in Ghbeiri, where the funeral will take place on the same date at 16:00, and he will be laid to rest in the mentioned cemetery.

- Condolences will be accepted before and after the burial for three days at his father's home located in the Salam neighborhood - Abbas City.

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