
Pope Francis Strengthens Himself with COVID-19 Vaccine After Declaring Refusal a "Suicidal Denial"

Pope Francis Strengthens Himself with COVID-19 Vaccine After Declaring Refusal a

After declaring that refusing the vaccine is a "suicidal denial," Pope Francis received the COVID-19 vaccine today, Wednesday, in the Vatican.

The Pope had called on everyone last Saturday, in an interview with the Italian television channel "Canale 5," to "vaccinate themselves from a moral perspective," indicating that it is "an ethical choice because one endangers their own health and life, as well as the lives of others." Pope Francis questioned, "I don’t know why someone would say they don't want the vaccine, or that the vaccine is dangerous; if doctors consider it could be a good thing and no specific dangers appear, why not take it?" The Pope's statements coincided with the announcement of the death of his personal doctor, Fabrizio Soccorsi (78), due to "complications resulting from COVID-19" while being "hospitalized for treatment of cancer."

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