Try This Trick While Napping!

There are many benefits to napping during the day, especially for healthy individuals. It has been shown that daytime rest reduces drowsiness and improves memory, providing immediate relief for those deprived of sleep. However, napping isn't an easy task. But one hack from the Navy SEALs could make you feel refreshed after just 8 minutes of sleep.

Naps were designed to allow special operators to compensate for sleep in difficult situations. This technique involves lying on your back with your legs hanging off the edge of a bed or couch.

In a discussion on the Mikhaila Peterson Podcast, former military man Jocko Willink explained the details of his routine for taking short naps during the day. He said, "If I feel tired, I’ll take a nap - I’ll take a nap for 8 to 10 minutes. I don’t know if you’ve tried this before. Elevate your feet above heart level, like lying on a couch or something like that, lying on the floor, and set your alarm for 10 minutes. If you’re really tired, you’ll fall asleep quickly, and when you wake up, you’ll feel like you just slept for 6 hours."

This hack gained popularity after a U.S. Navy officer discussed the method in his book. In his book, titled "Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual," Willink clarified that he naps for 6 to 8 minutes and wakes up feeling "completely refreshed." This, in turn, may provide relief from lower back tension or swollen feet and helps the brain to fall asleep faster.

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