
3 Fun Tricks You May Not Know About Facebook

3 Fun Tricks You May Not Know About Facebook

Facebook remains one of the most popular social networks in the world, with 2.91 billion active users monthly. Users continuously seek unique features and services on this platform. In fact, there are hidden tools and features in the app to keep users engaged. Here are 3 hidden tricks on Facebook:

**Hidden Messages:** If you have been using Facebook for a long time and keep track of your inbox on Messenger, there are still a flood of messages waiting for you that you may not have seen before. This is because Facebook has a hidden inbox that is nearly impossible to find. Inside this hidden folder, you will find messages from people who are not your friends on the platform, and thus they are logged as "message requests."

**Time Wasting:** Surprisingly, this social network, which is slowly declining, has launched a feature that shows you how much time you waste scrolling. It is no surprise that such a feature is hidden. However, if you are concerned that you spend too much time browsing the main feed looking for the latest news and posts shared by your friends, the Your Time feature will help you curb your addiction. This feature not only allows you to see how much time you spend on the app but also lets you set limits and receive notifications when you exceed those limits.

**Messenger Games:** Inside the Messenger app, there are some messages you can send that unlock hidden games. For example, you can send a soccer emoji to your friend and then click on it to instantly launch a fun game. If soccer games do not interest you, try typing "fbchess play" in the chat window to get something more engaging. This will launch a hidden chess game on Facebook that you can play against the person you are chatting with. Alternatively, click the "more" button in the toolbar, then click the controller icon. This will generate a list of games you can play with your chatting friend.

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