Arab World

Biden Welcomes Yemen Ceasefire: "I Credit the Leadership Role of Saudi Arabia"

Biden Welcomes Yemen Ceasefire:

The White House announced on Friday that U.S. President Joe Biden welcomed the announcement of a two-month ceasefire in Yemen. Biden stated, "I credit the leadership role of Saudi Arabia and Oman for facilitating the ceasefire before Ramadan." He added, "It is time to reach political settlements for a lasting peace in Yemen," emphasizing the need to adhere to the ceasefire and end the war in the country. He continued, "I thank the Yemeni government for the trust it placed in the UN mediation to achieve the ceasefire."

A two-month ceasefire is set to begin on April 1.

UN envoy to Yemen, Hans Grundberg, announced that the parties to the Yemeni crisis had responded positively to a two-month ceasefire starting on Friday, April 1, and a halt to all military operations within Yemen and across borders, noting the potential for renewal with the parties' approval. He added in a statement on Friday that the parties also agreed to allow fuel ships into the port of Hodeidah and to operate commercial flights to and from Sana'a International Airport for pre-defined destinations. Additionally, he clarified that the parties agreed to meet to open roads in Taiz and other provinces.

It is worth mentioning that Yemeni-Yemeni talks began in Riyadh on Wednesday under the auspices of the Gulf Cooperation Council, where the Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Negotiations, Abdulaziz Al-Owaisheq, stated yesterday that the atmosphere in the Yemeni consultations exceeded all expectations, noting that the opportunity is open for all Yemenis to participate. The consultations, set to last a week, will include the UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg, the U.S. Envoy to Yemen Tim Lenderking, and the Yemeni government. They will address six military, political, and humanitarian tracks.

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