
New Developments in the Port Explosion Case: An Alternative Awaiting the Original Judge

New Developments in the Port Explosion Case: An Alternative Awaiting the Original Judge

The Higher Judicial Council has approved the appointment of an investigating judge for the port explosion case until the original judge is able to take charge of the file. MTV reported that, in a bid to address urgent and necessary matters in the port explosion case, Minister of Justice Henri Khoury sent an urgent letter yesterday evening to the presidency of the Judicial Council and its members, specifically requesting the appointment of an investigating judge to handle the urgent and necessary issues in the aforementioned case until the original judge can assume control.

It is noteworthy that a similar precedent occurred in the case of the late Prime Minister Rafik Hariri when Judge Jihad Al-Wadi was appointed in place of Judge Elias Eid during the latter's travel period.

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