You may find yourself in many awkward situations if you are online on WhatsApp and do not wish to receive or respond to messages. Accordingly, the green app has decided to put an end to this embarrassment and relieve you by testing a highly innovative feature aimed at providing its users with more privacy in the future, according to the website of "RTL" German television. According to the information, you can activate a feature that prevents certain people in your contacts from seeing your "Last Seen" status by going to Settings, then Account, then Privacy, then Last Seen, and selecting "My Contacts Except" for the specific individuals.
**Beta Version**
It is worth mentioning that the beta version of this new feature has been available for Android users for a few weeks and is now also available for iPhone users. If the test is successful, the new feature is expected to be rolled out globally soon. It is noted that, through the "Last Seen" feature on the WhatsApp application, specific contacts can know the last time the user was active on the app. So far, the messaging and calling service allows users to share this information with certain groups by permitting "Everyone" to see it, limiting it to "Contacts Only," or setting it to "Nobody."