UN Security Council to Hold Session Today on Yemen

The United Nations Security Council is set to hold an open virtual session today, Thursday, chaired by the United Kingdom, regarding Yemen. During the session, the Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, will present his briefing, along with the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief, Mark Lowcock, as well as Rhonda King, the Ambassador of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Chair of the United Nations Committee to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA).

According to Reuters, following the open session, the Security Council will hold a closed consultation. Some sources expect the Council to issue a statement demanding the Houthis to cease all military operations against Ma'rib and halt rocket attacks to demonstrate their seriousness in seeking a political and diplomatic solution to the Yemeni crisis. Lowcock had expressed his concerns on Twitter regarding the situation in Ma'rib, noting that the Houthi assault could displace two million Yemenis and threatens the lives of civilians, including women and children. He is also expected to address the delay in sending a UN technical mission to deal with the Safer oil tanker in the Red Sea, which could cause a significant environmental disaster if crude oil leaks into the sea due to the intransigence of Houthi militias.

This session follows a period of intense diplomatic activity behind the scenes at the United Nations and in the region to achieve a swift ceasefire in Yemen, along with increased access to the Port of Hudaydah for international navigation and the reopening of Sana'a Airport. It is noted that later this month, the Security Council will issue a decision to extend sanctions against obstructers in Yemen.

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