
Man Wins $100,000 After Going to Buy Chicken for Dinner

Man Wins $100,000 After Going to Buy Chicken for Dinner

A lucky man was astonished to win $100,000 just for going to a grocery store to buy a cooked chicken to have for dinner with his wife and children.

After purchasing the chicken, the man from Hagerstown, Maryland, stopped at a lottery vending machine in the store to buy $10 "Mega Millions" tickets, along with another $10 ticket, according to CNN.

Later that same night, after the family enjoyed the delicious chicken for dinner, the man decided to scratch the lottery ticket, only to discover that he had won. However, he was unsure of how much he had won. To confirm the amount, he scanned the ticket using the "Maryland Lottery" app on his smartphone, which revealed that his prize amount was $100,000.

The man's initial reaction was to unleash a stream of expletives that his children were unaccustomed to hearing from him, leading them to believe he was upset, according to his wife's comments. But it wasn't long before the entire family celebrated the win.

The lucky family received the $100,000 on January 28 at the lottery headquarters in Baltimore and confirmed they would spend the money on a summer vacation, paying off debts, repairing their home, and possibly buying a new television.

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