
Mikati Visits Baabda After His Return.. and 3 Proposals in His Bag?

Mikati Visits Baabda After His Return.. and 3 Proposals in His Bag?

The political stasis imposed by the Eid al-Adha holiday has given the obstructive team a pretext they were seeking to relieve themselves from the burden of finding a way out of the ongoing economic, living, and governmental crises that have troubled the Lebanese people, increasing their anxiety and fear for their future and the future of their children. With all avenues for resolving these crises and their implications closed off, there remains no glimmer of hope for at least overcoming the bread crisis, leading some of them to resort to loitering in front of bakeries to secure a loaf of bread to feed their children. Amid this bleak scene, the formation of the government has been postponed until after the Eid holiday. Sources close to the designated Prime Minister Najib Mikati have reported that he will make double efforts to form a government that must begin to implement reforms to enable Lebanon to receive assistance from the World Bank, which a caretaker government cannot accomplish. Mikati’s circles confirmed to "Anbaa" electronic that he may visit Baabda after returning from abroad to continue discussions on government formation with President Michel Aoun. He is open to all the observations that may arise and will bring with him to Aoun three proposals for government formation, all of which are open for discussion. He will be willing to go to great lengths in this regard; however, he will not back down from withdrawing the Energy Ministry from the Strong Lebanon bloc and will not accept the conditions set by MP Gebran Bassil.

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