
U.S.-Lebanese Naval Military Exercises Simulating Maritime Security

U.S.-Lebanese Naval Military Exercises Simulating Maritime Security

The U.S. Central Command's naval forces (NAVCENT) and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) have commenced the Resolute Union 2022 exercise, which will last for two weeks in Lebanese territorial waters. This annual exercise focuses on maritime security operations, mine countermeasures, and explosive ordnance disposal.

U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, Dorothy Shea, noted that "for 22 years, the Resolute Union exercises have established cooperation between our armed forces and ensured the Lebanese Army's readiness to carry out its mission. Despite all the challenges the Lebanese Army faces this year amid Lebanon's economic crisis, they have demonstrated extraordinary commitment, and the United States will continue to provide our full support for all their efforts."

U.S. authorities highlighted that around 60 American personnel from the Navy, Marines, Army, and Coast Guard are participating. Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, commander of NAVCENT, the U.S. Fifth Fleet, and the Combined Maritime Forces, stated that "this is an excellent opportunity to work with our capable Lebanese partners and enhance our relationship; working together strengthens regional security and stability."

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