
Kuwaiti Amiri Decree to Postpone National Assembly Sessions Amid Government Formation Delays

Kuwaiti Amiri Decree to Postpone National Assembly Sessions Amid Government Formation Delays

Kuwait's Amir, Nawaf Al-Ahmad, has issued a decree to postpone the sessions of the National Assembly for one month starting tomorrow, Thursday.

The official news agency (KUNA) reported the issuance of the Amiri decree to postpone the meetings of the National Assembly for a month beginning from Thursday, February 18, 2021, based on Article 106 of the Constitution, without providing further details. The newspaper "Al-Qabas" explained that the mentioned article allows the Amir to issue a decree to postpone the National Assembly's meetings for a period not exceeding one month, provided that the postponement does not recur within a single session without the council's approval and for only one time, and the duration of the postponement is not counted within the session period.

The Amiri decree comes amid delays by the appointed Prime Minister Sabah Al-Khalid in announcing his new cabinet formation for several reasons, including numerous withdrawals and reluctance to accept ministerial positions. This is attributed, according to Al-Qabas, to rising tensions and escalation from National Assembly members against the expected government even before its announcement, which has caused many candidates for ministerial portfolios to shy away from acceptance. The newspaper noted that these candidates "do not want to engage in confrontations with MPs, and they are certain—with the continued parliamentary escalation—of the government's short lifespan."

On January 24, the Amir issued an Amiri decision to reappoint Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah as Prime Minister, who had submitted his government's resignation to the Amir after the ministers tendered their resignations, following days of parliamentary members requesting to interrogate the Prime Minister over issues including the government’s formation.

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