
Concerns over Traders Hoarding Food Products... The Ministry Takes Action

Concerns over Traders Hoarding Food Products... The Ministry Takes Action

The Minister of Economy in the caretaker government, Amin Salam, pointed out that "the Parliament is about to approve the 2022 budget which was supposed to precede the determination of any exchange rate or customs dollar." He confirmed in an interview with "Voice of Lebanon" that he "would have preferred a more systematic unification of the exchange rate, but due to the emergency situation in the country, the 1500 Lira dollar has become unfair." He stressed that "what is rumored about the 20,000 Lira exchange rate is not official yet, as the rate will be agreed upon in the coming days between the Minister of Finance and the Governor of the Central Bank."

In this context, Salam expressed his concern over traders hoarding food products, prompting the ministry to request lists from traders of the products they previously purchased at the 1500 Lira rate to apply monitoring measures and prevent chaos. Salam considered that the main problem regarding food security lies in controlling the land borders, and that they still do not know the source of the smuggled products, but they are following up on the situation.

Regarding the withdrawal of the ministry's files from Salam in favor of another figure in the new government, he stated: "We have established significant work programs in the ministry, and I am fully confident that no one is ready to take risks at this stage by making changes at the governmental level. I hope to continue the progression." He added: "I do not see a horizon for a new government, and I confidently march as a minister."

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