
Title: Secret Talks Between Turkey and Israel for Gas Supply to Europe as a Replacement for Russia

Title: Secret Talks Between Turkey and Israel for Gas Supply to Europe as a Replacement for Russia

Discussions are being held secretly and behind the scenes regarding a gas pipeline project between Turkey and Israel as an alternative to Russian energy supplies to Europe, according to the Israeli network I24. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that cooperation in the gas sector "is one of the most important steps we can take to improve relations with Israel." However, it will require complex maneuvering to reach any agreement, according to officials from both countries’ governments and sectors.

According to the I24 report, the idea involves creating a subsea pipeline from Turkey to the Leviathan field, the largest offshore natural gas field in Israel, which supplies gas to Israel, Jordan, and Egypt. The gas would flow to Turkey and southern European countries looking to diversify their sources away from Russia. Last year, the European Union imported 155 billion cubic meters of Russian gas, covering about 40% of its member states' consumption.

Last week, Erdoğan stated that gas cooperation was "one of the most important steps we could take together for bilateral relations." He also mentioned to reporters that he was ready to send senior ministers to Israel to revive the pipeline project. A senior Turkish official told Reuters that talks have been ongoing since Israeli President Isaac Herzog visited Ankara earlier this month and that "concrete decisions" could emerge in the coming months regarding the proposed route and the involved entities.

Israeli Energy Minister Karine Elharrar stated in an interview with Yedioth Ahronoth on Sunday that many aspects, including financial matters, had not yet been discussed, emphasizing the "necessity of finding economic viability in the project."

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