
Information That Concerns You: A Little Food Slows Down Aging

Information That Concerns You: A Little Food Slows Down Aging

A new scientific study indicates that reducing the amount of food consumed daily helps slow down the aging process. Researchers found in their experiment that lowering food intake enhances the function of the thymus gland—which helps boost immunity—where dysfunction of the gland related to aging is a cause of weakened immune responses in older adults.

Study leader Professor Vishwajit Dixit from Yale University stated, "The rejuvenation of this organ is remarkable, and this study shows that a simple reduction in calories has a significant impact on transforming immune metabolic status."

Professor Dixit's team examined data from 200 healthy individuals who were not obese over a two-year period and reduced their caloric intake by 14 percent. MRI scans revealed that their thymus gland was functioning better, according to The Sun newspaper.

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