
Deadly Risk of Paracetamol with This Condition

Deadly Risk of Paracetamol with This Condition

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have revealed the deadly risk of the pain relief medication "Paracetamol." According to experts, prolonged use of this drug increases the likelihood of heart disease and stroke in patients with high blood pressure, as reported by the Sputnik news agency from the ahajournals website. The experts conducted a study involving 110 volunteers with high blood pressure issues, some of whom took paracetamol four times a day for two weeks, while others received a placebo. Regular intake of paracetamol is expected to raise the risk of heart disease or stroke by about 20%. After stopping the medication, the participants' blood pressure returned to the levels it was at the start of the study. Previously, doctors from the United Kingdom's National Health Service had warned that taking paracetamol could lead to various side effects, including changes in skin color. Although the medication is widely used and helps relieve pain and reduce severe fever, some individuals taking it may experience complications.

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