
Concerning Security Indicators: Is War Imminent?

Concerning Security Indicators: Is War Imminent?

Security-related circles in Lebanon do not dismiss the possibility of a setback at any moment. While they remain reassured about the internal situation and its stability, they have begun to notice alarming indicators from multiple angles. They are monitoring social security, which is fueled by popular tension in light of the worsening crises, and what happened yesterday with the Federal Bank is merely a sample of what can be expected with each passing day without the ruling system taking action to put an end to the ongoing collapses that spare no sector or class of Lebanese people from its devastating fallout. However, despite the importance of this issue, it remains less dangerous than the possibility of a war with Israel, should Hezbollah carry out its threats to retaliate if Israel attempts to encroach on Lebanon's oil rights. A delegation from the party that visited Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblatt yesterday informed him that "if the Israelis persist and the state abandons its role, we will not remain idle" in a statement highlighting the seriousness of their readiness for all scenarios, including war.

Enhancing security fears is the situation in Israel more than Hezbollah's threats, as Hezbollah is fully aware of the sensitivity and seriousness of the Lebanese situation and the devastation and ruin that any war could bring, which the bankrupt country and starving people cannot withstand. A war, if it were to erupt in such a context, would undoubtedly mark the end of the Lebanese state. Sources explain that Prime Minister Yair Lapid's government is trying to benefit from any security explosion to bolster its standing ahead of the Israeli elections. Lapid is attempting to exploit hot issues to buoy his electoral status against the opposition, particularly with Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu.

The sources confirm that international communications have taken place and are ongoing on multiple levels, among several countries concerned with Lebanese and Israeli affairs, to prevent matters from spiraling out of control and to curtail any misstep that could ignite the entire region, not just Lebanon and Israel. It reveals that the tension and leaked information regarding the potential for confrontations are of particular interest to Russian security authorities, who express concern about the repercussions of any disruption or tension in Lebanon on stability in Syria during this delicate phase. European countries, too, are anxious about the influx of Syrian refugees into their territories if the security situation in Lebanon deteriorates, while the United States is vigorously working to resolve the maritime boundary demarcation issue diplomatically by returning to negotiations to ensure the success of Amos Hochstein's mediation.

In any case, the sources conclude, the field situation is under close observation, and communication among the concerned parties remains open to ensure that the situation does not erupt.

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