
A Few Grams of Its Seeds Are Deadly

A Few Grams of Its Seeds Are Deadly

Many people, especially children, enjoy cracking the pits of certain fruits like apricots or peaches, unaware of the danger contained in these seeds due to the toxic acid they contain. Dr. Mohamed Ihab Fouad, head of the biology department at the National Research Center in Egypt, explained to "Al" that the pits of some fruits contain hydrocyanic acid, a colorless, highly toxic inorganic liquid known as prussic acid.

Almonds and Apples

He added that this acid is found in apple and almond seeds, particularly bitter almonds which contain relatively large amounts of hydrogen cyanide, the salts of hydrocyanic acid (HCN). He clarified that this acid is also present in the seeds of plums, peaches, and apricots, especially in rotten almond seeds, which have a bitter taste, indicating that their consumption can cause stomach pain and may lead to poisoning.

Risk of Death

The UK Food Standards Agency warned that 100 apricot seeds or 190 grams of them are sufficient to end a person's life in just a few seconds, while consuming 40 grams of bitter almond can constitute a lethal and toxic dose, according to Dr. Fouad. He added that these seeds may be harmful or toxic if they are exposed to moisture, as chemical reactions can occur which lead to the release of hydrocyanic acid, causing poisoning.


He further explained that individuals consuming the seeds of these fruits are putting themselves at significant risk, as apricot and raw almond seeds also contain a substance that converts into highly toxic hydrogen cyanide after digestion. This toxic substance can be eliminated by cooking almonds. Additionally, he indicated that the toxic or lethal doses of hydrocyanic acid develop when its concentration in the blood reaches 0.24 to 0.97 milligrams per liter.

It is noted that a study from the European Food Safety Authority warned adults against consuming more than half of a large apricot pit in a day, based on an analysis of cyanide levels that should not exceed between 0.5 and 3.5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.

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