
Bouchikian Mandates Factories to Use Non-Subsidized Flour

Bouchikian Mandates Factories to Use Non-Subsidized Flour

Minister of Industry George Bouchikian issued a decision mandating factories producing goods made from flour to use non-subsidized flour. The decision states:

"- Article One: All factories, except for all types of bakeries, producing goods that use flour in their production must comply with the use of non-subsidized flour, or in case of using subsidized flour, pay the price difference to the Central Bank of Lebanon.

- Article Two: All mills operating in Lebanon must comply either by not delivering subsidized flour to the factories mentioned in Article One above or by requiring these factories to pay the price difference to the Central Bank of Lebanon.

- Article Three: The specialized units in the Ministry of Industry will implement this decision in collaboration and coordination with the relevant units in the Ministry of Economy and Trade, particularly the Consumer Protection Directorate.

- Article Four: The factories and mills subject to this decision will face the legal consequences in case of violation."

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