Arab World

Hezbollah Says Iranian Fuel Ships Will Soon Set Sail to Alleviate Crisis in Lebanon

Hezbollah Says Iranian Fuel Ships Will Soon Set Sail to Alleviate Crisis in Lebanon

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, stated on Sunday that ships loaded with Iranian fuel would soon set sail to alleviate the fuel crisis in Lebanon, followed by additional vessels. Nasrallah affirmed that the group is not seeking to purchase fuel as a substitute for the state, adding that the first ship, which the group announced on Thursday was about to sail, has already departed. In a speech to his supporters, Nasrallah said, "We are not a substitute for the state... nor are we a substitute for the companies that import oil," without clarifying how the shipments would enter the country. Opponents of the group in Lebanon warned of dire consequences from this move, stating it could lead to sanctions on a country whose economy has been collapsing for nearly two years. The arrival of Iranian fuel will open a new chapter in the financial crisis that the Lebanese state and ruling parties, including Hezbollah, have failed to address, amid a fuel shortage that has sparked violence. U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea stated on Thursday that Lebanon does not need Iranian tankers, referring to a fleet of fuel ships off the coast waiting to unload their cargo. She added, hours after Hezbollah announced arrangements to receive the shipments, that the United States is in talks with Egypt and Jordan to help find solutions for Lebanon's fuel and energy needs.

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