
"The Silent Killer": What Changes in Toenails Indicate

A recent medical study has indicated that changes in the shape of toenails can sometimes mean that a person is suffering from a "silent killer" in their body without being aware of it. The British newspaper The Sun reported on a study that identified two specific symptoms that appear on toenails, indicating elevated cholesterol levels.

However, there is no need to panic, as in some cases there may be nothing at all, and it may merely indicate a dietary imbalance due to insufficient calcium intake. Yet, if you notice that your toenails have become brittle or are growing slowly without any changes in your lifestyle, this is a matter worth investigating.

The study noted that cholesterol is a fatty substance that accumulates in the blood due to poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol consumption, and smoking habits. When large amounts of this substance build up, it can block blood vessels, and many people may be unaware they have this condition, which leads to serious complications such as a heart attack.

The British Heart Foundation states: "It is a hidden risk factor, meaning it occurs without our knowledge until it is too late." Accumulation of high levels of cholesterol can lead to signs appearing on toenails due to reduced blood flow.

Therefore, your toenails can provide clues that you are affected by this serious condition, alongside other signs such as cramping in the feet and legs or changes in skin color. All of these are symptoms of peripheral vascular disease, which is a complication of high cholesterol, necessitating immediate medical consultation.

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