
Good News About the Bread Crisis

Good News About the Bread Crisis

In a positive update for the Lebanese people, Tony Saif, the President of the Bakery Industry Syndicate in Lebanon, announced to our site, Leb Economy, that "the bread crisis will be resolved within the next 24 to 48 hours at most." Saif revealed that "the mills closed for five consecutive days during the holiday period, which exacerbated the bread crisis." He announced that "the mills resumed production starting this morning, and they have begun producing flour, which will be distributed to the bakeries fully."

Saif explained that "these subsidized quantities will be distributed across all Lebanese territories and are sufficient for a period of 15 days." In the same context, Saif pointed out that "there are shipments of wheat on their way to Lebanon that were contracted at the subsidized price." Saif urged the relevant parties "to purchase Lebanese production of durum wheat, estimated at about 50,000 tons, as it can be mixed with soft wheat to produce flour. This would allow Lebanon to create a stockpile of wheat ready for milling and produce flour sufficient for the local market for about two months or more." Saif wished for "the approval of the agreement with the World Bank designated for purchasing wheat for the benefit of Lebanon, thereby approving the necessary practical decrees and execution mechanisms for this agreement, as it is crucial for ensuring the food security of the Lebanese regarding wheat, flour, and bread."

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