
Title: Saba Mubarak Returns with a New Photoshoot After a Hiatus

Title: Saba Mubarak Returns with a New Photoshoot After a Hiatus

The Jordanian artist Saba Mubarak appeared on her personal Instagram page with a new photoshoot.

Saba Mubarak had been absent from social media for a while, as her followers were accustomed to her regular updates. She commented, "I missed you a lot, and I know I've been away for a long time, I love you." It is noteworthy that the artist re-emerged earlier in January, specifically at the beginning of the new year, showcasing a winter look accompanied by a piece of wisdom for her fans, emphasizing that everyone is more beautiful than they may perceive through the eyes of their loved ones. She stated at the time, "You see yourself in the mirror every day, yet others see things you could never see in yourself; they witness moments that are spontaneous... Don't be surprised when others love things about you that you never imagined existed in you; you are more beautiful than you think in the eyes of the people who love you."

Additionally, Saba Mubarak expressed her gratitude to everyone involved in the recent Cairo Film Festival held at the end of last year, where she had a photoshoot in an elegant black dress designed by French designer Alexandre Vauthier. She thanked the festival management and shared the photos with her followers on her Instagram page.

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