Arab World

France Responds to Lebanese Prime Minister After Comments on "Siege of the Country" and "Imminent Explosion"

France Responds to Lebanese Prime Minister After Comments on

The French ambassador responded to the Lebanese Prime Minister after he stated that the country was "under siege," blaming years of "mismanagement and negligence" by Lebanese leaders for the economic collapse. The World Bank described Lebanon's crisis as one of the worst recessions in modern history, noting that the currency has lost more than 90% of its value, pushing over half of the population into poverty, according to Reuters.

The Lebanese army took to the streets during anti-government protests and riots in Tripoli, Lebanon, on April 28, 2020. French Ambassador to Lebanon, Anne Grillo, spoke on Tuesday in response to interim Prime Minister Hassan Diab's remarks, who informed diplomats that a siege had been imposed on the country and warned of imminent social unrest.

In a recording of her comments published by the French embassy on Wednesday, Grillo held the Lebanese "political class" responsible for the collapse, stating, "What is frightening, Mr. Prime Minister, is that this brutal collapse today is a deliberate result of mismanagement and negligence over the years." She continued, "It is not the result of an external blockade; it is the result of your responsibilities, all of you, over the years. This is the reality."

Diab pointed to repeated calls to link assistance to reform but also stated that the "siege imposed" on Lebanon does not affect the corrupt, referring clearly to politicians. He added that the patience of the Lebanese people is running out and that "linking aid to Lebanon with the formation of a new government poses a danger to the lives of the Lebanese and the Lebanese entity," indicating that Lebanon is only days away from a social explosion.

Grillo remarked, "France and many partner countries did not wait for the call to help Lebanon," adding that Paris provided $100 million in direct aid to the Lebanese people last year.

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