
## Jumblatt Meets Wafiq Safa: Let’s Search for a New Elias Sarkis

## Jumblatt Meets Wafiq Safa: Let’s Search for a New Elias Sarkis

The continued disruption of constitutional operations in the country remains open-ended. The rare communications lead to a singular conclusion: no government will emerge soon, while the interest in the presidential file increases amidst further economic and financial deterioration and worsening living crises. According to information from the newspaper "Al-Akhbar," Elysee seems to be more interested in this matter than others, having tasked its ambassador in Beirut, Anne Grillo, along with other diplomats and officials who visited Lebanon in various capacities, to survey the opinions of political forces regarding the presidential file. The French embassy in Beirut has shown greater interest in the presidential file than in the issue of maritime border delineation with the occupied territories, as evidenced by meetings it conducted with official and political entities, including Hezbollah in a meeting held a few days ago in the southern suburbs.

Additionally, "Al-Akhbar" learned that a recent meeting took place between the head of the Progressive Socialist Party, Walid Jumblatt, and the Head of the Liaison and Coordination Committee in Hezbollah, Wafiq Safa. Jumblatt directly addressed the presidential file, inquiring about the possibility of reaching an agreement with the party and its allies on a name for the position that could spare the country a major conflict. Sources indicated that Jumblatt, who informed his party leaders not to engage in any political disputes with anyone, neither opponents nor allies, sent a message to Hezbollah's leadership through Safa, expressing his perspective on the presidential file. He noted that the chances of the main candidates would be limited due to internal, regional, and international objections, mentioning that it was not possible to advance Samir Geagea’s candidacy due to the rejection by the March 8 coalition and foreign capitals. He emphasized that the same applies to MP Gebran Bassil, whose ascent is opposed by the March 14 forces and some of the March 8 forces, especially President Berri and several regional and international capitals, including Riyadh, Paris, and Washington; also suggesting that reaching an agreement on Franjieh would not be easy. Jumblatt implied opposition to the continuation of electing army leaders as presidents of the republic and concluded his remarks by stating: “We need a new Elias Sarkis today to manage the crisis, one who has no disputes with the main forces in the country, allowing for the opening of communication channels with Arab and international capitals.” While "Al-Akhbar" could not determine the name Jumblatt believes fits the specifications of Sarkis, there were hints toward a "neutral" character active in the political field who had previously served in one of the governments in recent years.

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