
Jaja: "Oh, going to increase the atrocities..."


The President of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Jaja, pointed out that "a second crime is being committed against the martyrs and victims of the Beirut port explosion through attempts to obstruct the investigation by appointing another investigative judge in the same case. No matter how the titles are fabricated and justifications presented, what is happening is the peak of impudence and negligence towards people's lives, their pains, feelings, properties, and means of livelihood." Jaja stated in a statement that "what the presidency and its allies are attempting through their justice minister, not the Minister of Justice, is an ethical heresy in the first degree and a legal heresy in the second degree. How can a judge rule on a case that is under the jurisdiction and supervision due to the work of another judge?" He added: "We have heard of explosions similar to the Beirut port explosion in history, but we have never heard of appointing a judge to look into a case whose file and investigations and all its details are in the hands of another judge. If the concept of 'Oh, going to increase the atrocities' is prevalent among the presidency and its allies, we will have 50 very difficult days ahead of us, but we have never bent in front of any hardships, and we will continue through all legal, legitimate, and possible means to not allow the presidency and its allies to play with the crime of the Beirut port explosion."

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