We often face difficulties in concentrating or experience slowed thinking, and the decline in these abilities can affect our daily mood. Experts point out the importance of good nutrition in supporting cognitive functions. Certain foods can enhance mental capabilities, and incorporating a large amount of vegetables and fruits into the diet can yield numerous benefits.
According to Toby Amidor, a nutrition specialist and expert at the EAT This medical council, blueberries are the best fruit for maintaining brain health and keeping it alert. Amidor states, "Research shows that consuming blueberries as part of a healthy diet can help support brain health." She adds, "Evidence indicates that including blueberries as part of a healthy diet is associated with a lower risk of age-related cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease."
According to research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, a study used blueberry juice supplements for 12 weeks to confirm improved memory function in older adults experiencing early memory decline. Preliminary results indicated that the average amount of blueberry consumption could benefit thinking abilities and cognitive functions.
Another study published in the Neural Regeneration Research Journal found that adults of various ages who consumed blueberries showed increased blood flow in key areas of the brain and demonstrated improvements in memory and task engagement. Tests conducted on older adults who consumed strawberries and blueberries for several months showed memory enhancement compared to those in a placebo group.
Amidor notes, "Blueberries provide a range of nutrients, including fiber, vitamins K and C, manganese, and a group of plant nutrients known as polyphenols." She adds, "Besides their benefits for the brain, blueberries are also good for your heart health." Studies have shown that one cup of fresh blueberries daily led to improved changes in raising high-density lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) in those with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of biochemical and physiological disorders linked to the development of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, blueberries can assist in managing blood sugar levels and can help maintain weight due to their high fiber content.