
Launch of Electric Flying Cars on This Date: 250 Companies Competing

Launch of Electric Flying Cars on This Date: 250 Companies Competing

The dream of electric flying cars is getting closer to reality, shifting from science fiction movies to actual existence, as they are part of the anticipated revolution in aviation in the near future. However, they will not take the form depicted in films. Industry leaders refer to it as "advanced air mobility," with around 250 companies worldwide working on building electric flying vehicles, also focusing on how to create the infrastructure necessary to support this technology globally.

The main challenge has been the batteries for these flying vehicles, but finally, high-capacity batteries at reasonable prices have been developed, enabling companies to enter the market, according to experts from McKinsey.

But will they replace cars and public transportation? McKinsey does not foresee this scenario, as they believe bus and train transportation will continue, given it carries many people. However, for certain types of journeys, flying vehicles could provide a suitable mode of transport and help reduce emissions. They anticipate that flying vehicles will operate within city limits and will not extend beyond those boundaries in the initial years of operation. In ten years, there could be hundreds of flying vehicles in major cities.

These flying vehicles will be smaller than current private planes, accommodating between one to seven passengers, according to manufacturers, and will internally resemble cars. Most companies developing flying vehicles plan to employ a pilot for each vehicle during the initial operational years.

McKinsey suggests that the biggest barrier to the widespread adoption of these vehicles will be the infrastructure. Therefore, in the early stages of operation, existing helicopter infrastructure and airport facilities will be utilized, leading to expectations that initial flights will connect city centers to their airports.

Forecasts indicate that the market size for flying vehicles could reach $500 billion, though no specific timeline has been defined for this development.

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