
Title: After the Submarine Crisis: A Country Approaches France to Buy Frigates

Title: After the Submarine Crisis: A Country Approaches France to Buy Frigates

French President Emmanuel Macron revealed that Greece will purchase three frigates from France as part of a "strategic partnership" aimed at defending their common interests in the Mediterranean. This move follows the submarine crisis between Paris, Washington, and Canberra after the announcement of a defense agreement between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Macron stated that this agreement represents a "bold first step toward European strategic autonomy" during the signing ceremony with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Élysée Palace.

A crisis erupted between Paris and Washington on September 15 when U.S. President Joe Biden announced the formation of a new defense alliance involving the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, which aims to expand the range of U.S. nuclear-powered submarine technology to include Australia, in addition to cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and underwater maritime capabilities. One of the first consequences of this alliance was the cancellation of a massive deal that Canberra had with Paris for French-made submarines, which was replaced by an agreement for U.S. nuclear-powered submarines. In response to the agreement, France recalled its ambassadors to the United States and Australia for consultations, a decision unprecedented towards historical allies.

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