
Title: Scientists Puzzled... Rover Detects "Mysterious Entity" on the Dark Side of the Moon

Title: Scientists Puzzled... Rover Detects

The Chinese rover "Yutu 2" captured an image that may seem ordinary at first glance, but scientists and astronomical centers took a closer look at one of the scenes that appeared in the depth of the landscape, where what has been described by specialized space agencies as a "mysterious entity" emerged. The photo received considerable attention due to the presence of an element or strange object, or "mysterious creature," with a clearly defined geometric shape, which the Chinese space agency likened to a "house or cabin," observed by the rover as it traversed the "Von Kármán" crater on the dark side of the moon.

**Strange "Cube"... Debate Among Scientists**

The "Yutu 2" rover photographed a cube-shaped object on the horizon from the north, about 260 feet (80 meters) away from the rover, in November. This unusual image was captured during the thirty-sixth day of the mission on the moon, according to the archive of the "Yutu 2" mission, which was published by the Chinese-language channel "Our Space," in collaboration with the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The channel described it in one of its reports as a strange object resembling a "mysterious cabin," termed in Chinese (神秘小屋 / shenmi xiaowu), noting that it is merely a description, as the nature of this entity has not been confirmed to this moment.

**Space Agencies Attempt to Interpret the Scene**

According to the space-focused website "space," the team of scientists expressed strong interest in this "mysterious entity," as the "Yutu 2" rover continues to traverse the lunar soil while avoiding craters to take a closer look at this object, "so new updates about this scene can be expected." Sources mentioned that a possible explanation for this strange cube-like shape is that it is simply a large rock that settled due to a collision with an asteroid, but the intriguing aspect for some is its "cube" shape, which may refute these theories. Meanwhile, space science specialists speculated on Twitter that this object is missing human debris.

**The Rover is the First to Reach the Dark Side of the Moon**

It is noteworthy that the "Yutu 2" rover, part of China's "Chang'e 4" mission, is the only solar-powered vehicle operational that has landed on the dark and far side of the moon on January 3, 2019, and has been exploring the "Von Kármán" crater, which is 115 miles (186 kilometers) wide, ever since. The "Chang'e 4" mission, as its name suggests, is China's fourth lunar mission and the second in terms of landing a rover on the lunar surface.

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